About Us

Ultimate Booking Platform

FreightTrip is the premier online service booking platform that offers clients the ability to book the services of over 200+ logistics companies across India

With our top-notch door pickup and delivery service, live tracking capabilities and professional team, FreightTrip brings you a wide range of goods transportation services under one roof.

About Us

Door Pickup & Delivery

Live Tracking

Multiple Logistics Companies

Our vast network covers all modes of transport

Road, rail, air and sea; plus we cover 2500+ cities in India! With our vast network of providers and efficient processes that have been refined over time for maximum customer satisfaction and success, FreightTrip has truly become India’s go-to platform for goods transportation services.

Reliable Goods Transportation Solutions

Any Time & Anywhere! At FreightTrip, we know what it takes to move goods from point A to point B without any hassle or delay - so whether you need a reliable logistics partner or a top-notch courier service provider who can pick up your parcels wherever they are located in India - we can help! We provide an array of high quality transportation solutions ranging from full truck load services as well as part load transports to meet every individual requirements according to their budget.